Saturday, April 14, 2012

Using Social Media for Bands and Artists

You know what people hate? When a band is constantly harassing people to get more fans or followers so they can reach a certain number of fans

Aside from gaining credibility when people first look at your page to see how many fans you have what else do you gain? Aside from a bunch of people who were forced to like your page who probably won't buy your album or anything of that sort?

 Loyal fans are not bought, they're earned! 

It's very important when using social media for anything to earn your fans, not buy them. When you earn your fans you get people who actually liked you at a show, or who had your album passed down to them with your Facebook or twitter link and you can do this by keeping your current fans happy with what you're posting. These people are likely to follow your music in the long run! And what's even more awesome, is if they actually become loyal fans and follow you through social media outlets, they'll probably spread the word for you when the time comes!  It'll keep them Liking, RTing, and sharing your stuff on their own sites and you'll earn even more fans. 

Assuming you've already created a great cover picture with your bands name for your Facebook Timeline and taken care of the "bandpage", "band camp", or "band player" player applications for your band, here are some tips and ways of taking full advantage Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram for your band.

1. Keep A Consistent Username
One of the most important things that you have to do in order to grow your social media fan base is make sure your usernames are on everything you give out. Business cards, demos, CDs, Fliers, QR codes, etc. Many people make the mistake of just putting the Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram logos and think their fans will figure it out, that doesn't work. People aren't just going to search for you or even know what to search for. Therefore it's much more effective to have the social media site logos with your bands URLS and usernames next to them. I know that may seem very elementary, but some of the biggest brands who advertise on billboards and on television still don't understand that concept. 

2. Using Pictures To Interact With Your Fans 

Have fun with pictures! Take pictures backstage or of you prepping for the show! Your fans will love that you're giving them a sneak peak of what's to come. It makes them feel more connected to you!

One of the most common things done by bands right now is taking pictures of the audience at shows from the point of view of the stage and later posting it all over their social media sites, whether it be on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. To effectively do it, it should be on all three.

 If you're using Instagram, you can actually share that picture of the audience on all three sites simultaneously, however I would highly recommend solely using that feature to post on twitter. Hashtags are not received very well on Facebook, and posting to Facebook through 3rd party applications receives a much smaller reach. You can still use the same Instagram photo (that's saved to your phone after you post it on Instagram) and upload it to Facebook and you can type the same caption without any hashtags.

You can also use Instagram/Twitpic pictures taken by your fans to run contests and giveaways!

Say you're at the stage and you want to be more interactive with your audience then and there, assuming there's reception somewhere during the beginning of the show you can say "Alright everyone we're gonna give away a free merch package to two lucky fans at the end of our set. One on twitter, and one on instagram, take a picture of us #(bandsname) and whatever caption and we'll pick the best ones at the end of the show."  Then at the end of the show you can do just that. Go on your phone really quick and pick a winner before you get off the stage. Of course it would help a lot if you have a team mate at the merch table doing this for you and just expediting the selection process for you so you don’t look like you’re just killing time.

If you're a big enough artist and people want to take pictures with you before or after the show, another great way to get fans more involved with your page is to get pictures taken with them and have then post them on your wall. Pass out a flier that says something along the lines of "Find your picture with (bands name)!  on, Twitter @(bands username), Instagram @(bandsusername)" 

3. Keep Your Existing Fans Entertained!
Nothing is worse than a dead page. Hopefully if you're posting pictures with your fans and of shows, you'll have enough buzz on your page. But it's good to post at least 3 times a week to remain active

"But what do I post?" 

Glad you asked. There's plenty of ways to create content for bands. 

     - For starters you can post pictures of you or your band in the studio or working on a new song with an interesting caption.  

     - You can post a Snapshot of what you're listening to once or twice a week so your fans know who you're being influenced by. 

     -  Most importantly post things that your fans will be excited to interact with. Ask them questions, like "What's your favorite lyric in any our songs?" or "What's your favorite one of our songs?" You can even use Facebook "Questions" to make a poll of which one of your songs off one of your albums your fans love best. 

One of the greatest social media networks you can use to your advantage for creating content is YouTube.

If you don't have a YouTube account as an artist you should create one IMMEDIATELY,

Videos can become a vital portion of your online content, whether it's making a different cover video and posting it on Facebook & Twitter every one or two weeks, or even posting videos of you performing your own songs, full band, acoustic, or whatever the occasion calls for. You can even see if the venue you played at has footage of you playing and post snippets of that on your sites. The great part about it is you can gain subscribers on YouTube, generate content on Facebook and Twitter and slowly but surely increase your following.

Any other tips? 

It's extremely important the way you go about doing your posts. Syncing your Facebook to automatically post to Twitter is great; However, don't sync your twitter to automatically post your tweets to your Facebook. It may seem like a great idea but it's not at all. As mentioned before, using third party applications on Facebook reduces your reach. 

It's OK to post very often on Twitter, I’m not saying to spam your followers but you can use post at least 4 times a day on twitter and it wouldn't bother anyone. You can post about upcoming shows and you can mention and hashtag the location and area that you're going to be playing. For example if you're gonna play an open mic in Miami you could tweet "Playing an open mic night @thecoffehouse at #Bayside in #Miami tonight at 7pm!" that way anyone searching for the hashtag Miami or Bayside would see it, the coffee house could retweet it and you could get people to come. 

Use Instagram to post to Instagram & twitter in order to take advantage of using the hashtags on both networks (they do work the same exact way)  post the same thing to Facebook but use the Facebook application and upload the picture manually, this way you can write the same caption without the hashtags and avoid looking foolish on Facebook. 

I hope these tips come in handy and you're able to grow your fan page for yourself as an artist or band :)



"How to host a photo campaign on instagram"

Robley, Chris (March 16, 2012) "12 Ways to Grow Your Band on Facebook Timeline

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

3 Ways To Use Instagram For Business

Alright, so as many of us know Instagram was recently acquired by Facebook for 1 BILLION DOLLARS.

This got me thinking, "what's the big deal behind instagram, isn't it just an app that makes your pictures look vintage?" Well it can be just that, or it can be so much more if we look at how we as marketers can harness its marketing potential. First lets explain how instagram works, then I'll explain 3 key ways on how we can use instagram for business.

Basically, you take a picture with the application, add a "filter" so it looks more interesting and then you add a caption which, similar to twitter, lets you hashtag words with. The application is essentially its own social media network of people who follow other people for the pictures they post. Benefits of the app: They're also able to link their posts to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr and most of them do.

Now to the 3 key ways you can use it for your business:

1. Make a campaign around taking pictures of your product. 
Lets say your business is a pizza place, you can put a sign next to the register, or on all of the tables that have your social media tags and info. The simplest campaign would be. "Take a picture and #(yourpizzeria's name)"  best picture of the week gets a free pizza, or whatever deal you guys decide to run.  By having them hashtag your restaurants name (assuming it's a small local business) you're then able to look at all the posts under that hashtag and keep a flow of fan pictures of your food and by doing so they're promoting your business to their social media network!

2. Managing Instagram Aside from Running Contests 
Keep involved with your instagram community. Lets use a real life example Shake Shack is a very respected high burger joint. Last week I personally went to Shake Shack and instagramed a picture of my burger. I hashtagged it as #ShakeShack #bestburger and within an hour "ShakeShackFans" (ShakeShacks Instagram account) liked, commented, and then reposted the picture and tagged me in it calling it the fan pic of the day.

By doing this they were able to create customer interaction at the same level as I would have had with one of my friends. I then followed them on instagram, and since have seen a few other pictures of their burgers and THE PICTURES MADE ME WANT TO GO BACK AGAIN! Isn't that perfect? Free marketing!

3. Don't limit Instagram to Instagram, use it on other social media sites as well!
In the points above I've discussed how getting people to post pictures and tag the restaurant could be effective on instagram, now lets think about the other social media networks. Say you decide to do "fan Instagram pic of the day" or something like what Shake Shack has in place, you could also post that same picture to facebook, and twitter. What does that mean for you? FREE CONTENT!  it means you can use it as part of your posting schedule, by creating something fun for your fans to do, and not hound them about deals you have or why your product is better.  By letting potential customers see that other customers are loving what you have to offer, it just makes things more real and personable on your social media networks!


Henn, Steve (April 2012)
Instagram Help Page (2011)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Social Media Revolution & Customer Interaction

     It was not too long ago that companies found it very difficult to interact with their customers. It was a dramatic change from the 90's to where we are today. In the 90's people would call and write letters to give their customer feedback. In the early 00's customers could write emails, complain through the companies website interfaces,  find them on  web chats, and send text messages. That's not saying that they'd get any kind of response or even some type of compensation if they were complaining about a bad experience.

    With the rise of Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube, customers now have the power to give live feedback to businesses they buy from. By doing so they have the potential to cause a chain reaction in the social media community they're on. However, this interactivity can go both positive and negative. Meaning if a business has a great product or what can be seen as an awesome promotion it can go viral in a very good way, where if a businesses has done something terrible, or been known for doing something bad it can go viral as well.

    Negative customer interaction. With the way social media works today every time someone posts on someone else's wall including businesses, about 20% of their friends and network see their post. Since the average amount of friends an active Facebook user has on Facebook is around 500 friends, the average post that they put on Facebook would reach about 100 people through the news feed alone with just one interaction. One can see how "Virality" can play such a huge role when it comes to customer interaction with businesses when you see how the customers interact among themselves on one of Facebooks blogs:

This concept alone creates a huge impact on businesses and how they present themselves to their customers.

Another great example is the BP scandal where they were responsible for an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Although many people may have heard about this on the news, it was actually through social media that many of the people in the new generation found out. One of the memes that was generated for BP was this one:

At the same time BP made the mistake of trying to combat their negative image with a Public Relations technique that was a gigantic mistake, creating a youtube account to try to increase a positive image through "promoted videos" on YouTube. Although they've since reset the "likes" and view count, at one point these videos had millions of views and hundreds of thousands of video
"thumbs downs"  Here are two print screens of their activity: 

Now that it's clear on how a negative thing can go viral through social media, it's time to get to the good stuff... how can this "virality" can benefit a business through customer interaction.

Lets take a look a business who's done it right, lets pick.... Toms.

By creating simple campaigns on Facebook where people can take pictures of their Toms and possibly have them featured on the Toms Facebook page they have enabled the activity to promote their contribution to the world, which is what the company is primarily about. Cause Marketing plays a major role in how Toms sell their shoes, for every pair of shoes you buy they donate a pair to someone less fortunate around the world. They are able to push their product by showing the good they're doing and simultaneously advertise what you can be contributing to if you buy a pair of Toms. (It's a Win-Win-Win - Buy Toms, Save The World)  You  may notice that nothing about the Toms campaign involves the consumer getting any discounts, coupons, or special offers. That's because they're being successful through their charitable campaign in reaching a great amount of consumers. (1,428,251 likes · 24,284 talking about this)

If we take a look at another business who's got things right we can clearly see how you can use these new platforms to interact with your customers in a more promotional yet equally viral manner. Lets take a look at Chilis:

By using a new meme that's going viral (e-cards that they usually change the text to to say ridiculous funny things that you would probably never see outside of the internet except for in a store like Spencer's) They have created a viral meme that is both funny yet promoting their $5 margarita deal.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, the social media revolution has completely changed the way businesses operate their customer interactions and its definitely a cause for businesses to try to keep their publicity as clean and benevolent as possible. It has become so key in developing and maintaining certain marketing strategies and it's definitely one of the most important things businesses should invest in.

Bennett Bonta
Social Media Consultant
Be Noticed Media

References and videos print screned:
Facebook - Sheryl Sandberg

"Social Media Customer Engagement" - Frost & Sullivan

Sandberg, Sheryl (2009), "How Many Friends Can You Have?" >

"Video of LMRP Cap Installation Process"

"Kevin Costner's Oil Spill Centrifuge Technology Deployed"